Meet the Roundtable DAO

3 min readSep 14, 2021


Roundtable DAO is a family, a community and a marketing force created a couple years ago and has been operating on a mostly private basis. It is a group of extremely talented Fundamental Analysts, Traders and Investors with connections in every field of the crypto space.

We feel the time is now right to open up and give access to many of the DAO’s resources to the larger crypto community.

Medium Publications

Our Medium Publications cover the following themes:

RoundtableDAO Project Reviews: upcoming projects reviews by veteran investors and VCs.
Dozens of projects, sometimes hundreds appear and launch each week. It’s easy to get lost in what feels like a tsunami. Our team of experts look for the most promising ones and our reviewers go through their websites and whitepapers and, whenever its possible, interviews the teams to decide if they are indeed bringing something new and useful to the crypto space. Those that make the cut get a story published in the Project Reviews series.

RoundtableDAO How-to Series: tutorials and how-to’s on many subjects, such as how to setup wallets on different networks, trade on exotic DEXes, bridge tokens between blockchains and more.

RoundtableDAO Project Development: focus on projects already on the market.
Most articles and reviews you’ll find about crypto projects are written before the actual launch. But it’s only the start of the journey. The RoundtableDAO prides itself in checking the projects’ progress and interviewing the teams at the various stages after launch.

RoundtableDAO — DeFi in Depth: survey of the DeFi opportunities on the market.
We believe DeFi is one of the features offered by the blockchain technology that will contribute to mass adoption in the coming years. There are and there will be many opportunities and innovations but some of these are very short-lived and the most rewarding strategies are complex. The RoundtableDAO experts scout the DeFi landscape for all kind of opportunities and report here.

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The Roundtable DAO is a community of extremely talented Fundamental Analysts, Traders and Investors with connections in every field of the crypto space.